Saturday 23 February 2013

Why must we not eat whales?

Why must we not eat whales? So many people say we should not eat whales, because it is an act of inhumanity. It is nonsense, I think. In my opinion, we should eat many more whales.
If I say so, you may think or say "you are crazy! We must not eat whales. They are our good friends!!"
I may be a fool, but please do not stop reading and please think. I will tell you two main reasons why I think we should eat whales. First, the reason why we should not eat whales is unfounded.
Second, eating whales has some good effects on the world.

Why is eating whales said to be an atrocious act? People say "eating whales is an unethical act." If I say "why do you say eating whales is atrocious?" some people may say "because whales are in danger of extinction", others may say "because fishermen kill whales in the cruel way, whales are pitiful", and others may say "because whales are very intelligent, eating whales is the same as eating human beings." I cannot agree with those opinions. If you say "whales are in danger of extinction", it may be true. I am sure that some species of whales are on the verge of extinction, and they should be preserved the same as other endangered species. Other species of whales may become extinct too if whales are overhunted.
However, the problems are not confined to the matter of whales. Not infrequently, if a species is not listed as endangered, a moderate level of disturbance is better for the species. Why you say "stop whaling!!" so blindly? If you say "fishermen kill whales the cruel way, whales are pitiful", I will give you an advice "Gokiburi-hoi-hoi is the more cruel way. You should make a ban on Gokiburi-hoi-hoi before." (Do you know Gokiburi-hoi-hoi? It is the cockroaches multicide weapons. It uses food smells to draw cockroaches in a trap, deprive them of its freedom by adhesive, leave them without eating and drinking, and the finish, starve them to death and burn them. How cruel it!! Do not you think so?) If you say "whales are very intelligent, eating whales is the same as eating human beings", I ask you a question "do you eat me?" I am not so intelligent, so in your opinion you can eat me, right? I think all living things are of equal rank. If you eat cattle (or other living things), you should not protest at eating whales. So I think that the reason why we should not eat whales is baseless.

Eating whales has some good effects on the world.
In the world, many people suffer from hunger. Yet, more than 60% of all maize grown in the world is used as feed for livestock. If we give starve people a part of maize what used as feed, we can end world hunger and whales do not eat up maize. So if we substitute some whale for a part of cattle, we can solve food problem. (Instead, some whales are sacrificed.) Whale's bones contain a high proportion of lipid. We can use the lipid for biomass energy. So I think eating whales is good for the world if we do not overhunt.

Why must we not eat whales? We should eat more whales. The reason why we should not eat whales is groundless. Eating whales exerts some favorable influences on the world. We should eat more whales within a compass of not overhunting.

Nihon Hogei Kyoukai(n. d.).Hogei mondai. Retrieved February 16, 2013 from Nihon Hogei Kyoukai
          web site:
Shokuryou mondai(n. d.).Kokumotu monndai. Retrieved February 20, 2013 from Bezitarian 
          Nettowaku web site:
Geikotsu(n. d.).Geikotu. Retrieved February 20, 2013 from Wikipedia(in Japanese): 

Shigen energy cho(n. d.). Biomass energy. Retrieved February 20, 2013 from Shigen energy cho web 

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